On A Darkling Plain

by Richard Lee Byers

Published by White Wolf Publishing (US) 
U.S. 5.99
394 Pages
ISBN 0-99379-1501-9


This novel is based on the "Vampire: The Eternal Struggle" collectable card game. In a world of gun-toting Vampire's, who wield supernatural abilities and powers, the ordinary people are considered just pawns and prey. The powerful undead "Kindred" fight between themselves, only working together to preserve "The Masquerade" that keeps humanity from discovering them.

The main character is Elliot Sinclair, a vampire who is deep in grief for his dead wife. He must overcome his grief when the domain of his Prince is attacked by an unknown enemy. Roger, his Prince, is overcome by a mysterious virus, and an unknown killer, called "Dracula", is endangering the Maquerade. As one of the most powerful of Roger's Toreador Kindred, it is up to Elliot to take control and face the domain's unknown enemies.

The main thing that originally attracted me to this novel, was the title, which is never really explained. I did like the way Byers showed the Vampires perspective and their view of others. The story does not have a great deal of depth, sacrificing character development for action.

Overall this novel an interesting story. Something different. 7 out of 10.

P.F. 26th March 1998

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